By: Carol Vercellino, CEO & Co-Founder

Today, I’m going to highlight our top 3 programming languages in 2021 and discuss their benefits. I’m going to talk about Javascript, Python, and Swift. And also the reasons why we’ve selected these three as our top picks. 

If you’re new to the programming world, make sure to use this video in conjunction with our other video, How to Choose a Programming Language for Your Product

But, let’s get to the programming languages.


First up, we have Javascript. Javascript is widely used now because it was first used for prop and programming language. What that means is it’s used to render the very first thing that your eyes see when you go to a web page

It also began being used on the backend as well, which is all that code on the back that tells the server what to do. And it was really facilitated by Google in trying to help people learn more software development. And so, that’s why it’s a top pick for 2021.


Next up, we have Python. Python has been around for a long time. But, it’s widely used for statistics and science, and pretty much anything. You can spin up a website really quickly with Python, and you can do a whole lot of complex things on the backend, especially for a complex app. It continues to grow because of interest in data science and analytics. So, that’s why it’s our second top pick for 2021.


Finally, we have Swift. If you google the top languages for 2021, Swift may be a little bit lower on the list. And, yes, I am biased because we do use Swift a lot in our company. But, Swift is the language you would use for an iOS application, or a Mac application, or anything that’s going to run on an iPad.

It’s not only growing for those types of apps, but it’s also starting to be used on the server side. You’ll see Apple really push Swift going forward for the next few years. And we’re super excited to see what they do with it as well.

For 2021, we’re going to keep that as our third top pick at Oak City Labs.


I hope this was helpful, and let us know what programming language you’re interested in learning more about in the comments. We’d love to create more content that helps you as you’re developing your software or app.


Know what programming language you want to use? Read this post next about setting expectations for your software development project.